Baby Naming Ceremonies: How Dads Could Play a More Active Role

Guest Blog By Han-Son Lee, Founder and CEO of DaddiLife

DaddiLife is the leading platform for modern day dads, a 4 x international best selling publisher, and a consultancy exclusively focused on dads at work. In this guest blog, Han-Son looks at how and why dads could take on a more active role in naming ceremonies; the benefits for the relationships between dads and their children and for families and society as a whole.

Welcoming a new addition to the family is a joyous occasion filled with love, hope, and anticipation. Baby naming ceremonies are a beautiful way to celebrate the arrival of a newborn, honour their unique identity, and bring loved ones together.  

Naming ceremonies are far from a new concept. They have been seen throughout history from religious events to tribal rituals, where the father would often take a leading role - especially when presenting a male heir. In fact, you may be familiar with the Scandinavian naming tradition whereby a child’s surname takes their father’s first name and paired with a suffix for their gender. It’s a tradition that stems from Old Norse naming traditions.  

In more recent history these ceremonies have predominantly been the domain of mothers. In today's society, though, there is an increasing shift of the role of fathers' involvement in all aspects of parenting, and not just the ones choosing unique baby names.  

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of dads playing a more active role in baby naming ceremonies and the benefits it brings to both the child and the entire family.

Father and daughter at baby naming ceremony

1. Strengthening the Father-Child Bond

An active participation in a baby naming ceremony offers fathers a meaningful opportunity to strengthen their bond with their child. By actively engaging in the process of choosing a name, dads demonstrate their commitment and emotional investment in their child's future. This involvement fosters a deep connection between father and child right from the earliest stages of life, creating a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship built on love and trust.

2. Embracing Equality and Shared Responsibilities

Gone are the days when parenting roles were strictly divided along gender lines. Modern dads are breaking free from societal norms and embracing their vital role as nurturers and caregivers. By actively participating in baby naming ceremonies, fathers send a powerful message of equality and shared responsibilities. It reinforces the idea that both parents have an equal stake in raising their child and that their roles should be celebrated and respected. This involvement sets a positive example for the child's upbringing and instills the values of equality, respect, and cooperation.

3. Celebrating Diverse Perspectives  

Naming ceremonies are an opportunity to celebrate the diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures that make up a family's heritage. When dads actively participate in the naming process, they bring their unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural influences to the table. This enriches the ceremony, allowing for a more comprehensive exploration of name choices and meanings. By embracing these diverse perspectives, fathers contribute to the child's sense of identity and heritage, helping them develop a strong understanding and appreciation of their roots.

4. Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Inclusion 

When fathers take an active role in baby naming ceremonies, it creates a sense of belonging and inclusion within the family unit. The child feels surrounded by love and support from both parents, which strengthens their self-esteem and emotional well-being. Additionally, involving dads in these ceremonies encourages extended family members and friends to recognize and acknowledge the important role that fathers play in their child's life. This inclusive atmosphere not only benefits the child but also nurtures a harmonious and supportive family environment.

Baby naming ceremonies are a significant milestone in a child's life, and there are huge benefits to dads playing a more active role in these celebrations. By participating actively, fathers strengthen their bond with their child, promote equality, celebrate diversity, and foster a sense of belonging. Let us embrace the evolving role of fathers and create inclusive and memorable baby naming ceremonies that reflect the love and dedication of both parents.

Susannah at Vita Ceremonies writes: With a number of the naming ceremonies I have written and conducted, dads have played an equal role to mums within both the ceremony creation process as well as the ceremony itself - for example choosing readings and songs to be included, or writing their own promises to their child. In fact, for a recent ceremony, dad took the lead in organising the whole thing, and he was the one who reached out to me in the first place. I’ve also seen many dads playing a key role within the ceremony itself alongside their partner, including organising the guests and reading or writing their own poems. I’ve certainly seen a positive and uplifting dynamic to these ceremonies because of it.  

Perhaps this is because what I offer is something a little different from the 'norm' of christening and the parents that reach out to me do so because they want something a little different and more personalised to welcome their child into the world. Whatever the reason, it’s a trend that I fully embrace and welcome.


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